Osiguravanje kvalitete u industriji motora i vozila

  • Federico Dušman


The report describes the application of the internationalISO 9000 standards in the engines and vehicles indusuy, thatforms part of the 'hardware induslly'. As opposed to classicalinduslly, engines and vehicles industry tends to computer integratedmanufacturing and is realized on the level of the worldwidecooperative system. The international ISO 9000 standardsmake the basis of the organizational aspect of quality andhave a great influence to the technical aspect of product andproduction quality. These standards presume the existence ofall written documents of the quality system that can be fullycomputerized. The basic phases of application of the standards,the certification procedure of the quality system and organizationsthat carry it out are mentioned. The advantagesand the imperfections of certification are pointed out.


Juran i koautori: Juran' s Quality Control Handbook, 4th

Edition. Me Graw-Hill, New York, 1990.


D. STRAHL: Vision 2000: The strategy for the ISO

Series standards in the 90's. Quality Progress, Mai


J. PYLA: Updating the ISO 9000 Quality Standards: Responding

to Marketplace Needs. Quality Progress, July

H. LAL: ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems (Prirucnik).

International Trade Centre, Geneve, 1993.

Europske okvirne norme za certifikacijske aktivnosti

UNI CEI EN 45 001 (1990) General criteria for the operation

testing laboratories

UNI CEI EN 45 011 (1990) General criteria for certification

bodies operating certification.

UNI CEI EN 45 012 (1990) General criteria for certification

bodies operating Quality system certification.

UNI CEI EN 45 013 (1990) General criteria for certification

bodies operating certification of personal.

UNI CEI EN 45 014 (1990) General criteria for suppliers'

declaration of conformity.

Temeljne medunarodne norme ISO za osiguranje kvalitete

ISO 8402:1986 Quality - Vocabulary, Triangular edition,

Ed. 1, 12 p.

[ 11] ISO 9000-1: 1994(E) Quality management and quality assurance

standards-Guidelines for selection and use, Ed. 1,


ISO 9000-2:1993(E) Quality management and quality assurance

standards. Part 2: Generic guidelines for the application

of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003, Ed 1, 16 p.

ISO 9000-3:1991(E) Quality management and quality assurance

standards. Part 3: Guidelines for the application of

ISO 9001 to the development, supply and maintenance of

software, Ed. 1, 15 p.

ISO 9000-4:1993(E/F) Quality management and quality

assurance standards. Part 4: Guide to dependability programme

management; CEI IEC/300-1:1993 Dependability

management. Part 1: Dependability programme management,

Ed. 1, 21 p.

[ 15] ISO 9001: 1994(E) Quality systems - Model for Quality

assurance in design, development, production, installation

and servicing, Ed. 2, 11 p.

ISO 9002: 1994(E) Quality systems -Model for quality assurance

in production, installation, and servicing, Ed. 2, 9


[ 17] ISO 9003: 1994(E) Quality systems - Model for quality assurance

in final inspection and test, Ed. 2, 7 p.

[ 18] ISO 9004-1: 1994(E) Quality management and quality systems

elements. Part 1: Guidelines, Ed. 1, 23 p.

[ 19] ISO 9004-2: 1991(E) Quality management and quality systems

elements. Part 2: Guidelines for services, Ed. I , 18 p.

ISO 9004-3: 1993(E) Quality management and quality systems

elements. Part 3: Guidelines for processed materials,

Ed. 1, 21 p.

ISO 9004-4: 1993(E) Quality management and quality systems

elements. Part 4: Guidelines for quality improvement,

Ed. 1, 25 p.

ISO 10005: 1995(E) Quality management-Guidelines for

quality plans, Ed. 1, 15 p.

ISO 10011-1: 1990 Guidelines or auditing quality systems.

Part 1: Auditing, Ed. 1, 7 p.

ISO 10011-2:1991 Guidelines or auditing quality systems.

Part 2: Qualification criteria for quality systems auditors,


ISO 10011-3:1991 Guidelines or auditing quality systems.

Part 3: Management of audit programs, Ed. 1, 3 p.

ISO 10012-1:1992 Quality assurance requirements for

measuring equipment. Part 1: Metrological confirmation

systems for measuring equipment, Ed. 1, 14 p.

How to Cite
Dušman F. Osiguravanje kvalitete u industriji motora i vozila. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.7];8(6):159-6. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/834
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