Praktična prilagodba klasičnih uređaja za ubrizgavanje goriva u motorima velike snage za teretna vozila

  • Anton Černaj
  • Želimir Dobovišek
  • Breda Kegl


Basic requirements related to fuel injection system of upgradedturbocharged articulated truck diesel engines are listedand discussed. An example of the FIE matching approach toupgrading of a heavy duty diesel engine is presented. The applicationof hollow cam fuel injection pump may offer a furtherextension of its use in order to uprate diesel engine peiformance.


P. HERZOG: VDI Fortschritt-Berichte, Reihe 12 Nr. 127

Ricardo Group News, Issue 38, Nov. 1989.

A. CERNEJ, Z. DOBOVISEK: 'High pressure injection

and diesel economy and emissions', Project DOE No

JF940, Int. report 2/3, University of Maribor, Maribor

Feb. 1992.

How to Cite
Černaj A, Dobovišek Želimir, Kegl B. Praktična prilagodba klasičnih uređaja za ubrizgavanje goriva u motorima velike snage za teretna vozila. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.13];8(4-5):91-5. Available from:
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