GSM-A Factor in Expanding the Tourism of the Republic of Croatia and her Integration in the European Developments

  • Darko Dvornik


The paper examines the effects of implementing the panEuropeanmobile cell system -GSM (Global System for MobileCommunications) in the total tourist trade of the Republic ofCroatia, the procedure of its planning and integration in Croatia's telecommunication network and the influence on theEuropean and world-wide developments in trade and tourism.Special emphasis is laid upon the accessibility and range ofmobile se1vices that result from adequate network planningand the control of network traffic flow.The essential factors that influence service quality from theuser standpoint are identified.


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How to Cite
Dvornik D. GSM-A Factor in Expanding the Tourism of the Republic of Croatia and her Integration in the European Developments. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Dec.22];9(5-6):273-6. Available from:
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