Organization of Passenger Transport in Town of Zapresic by Harmonizing Operator Services

  • Drago Bago
  • Nerina Puškarić
  • Joso Vrkljan
Keywords: public passenger transport, line operators, tariff system, zones


The paper presents the current situation in public passengertransport in the town of Zapresic. The ana lysis of the passengertransport in urban and suburban traffic has shown that the carriersproviding the service of passenger transport in urban, suburbanand interurban traffic act individually, that there is nocoordination among them the aim of which would be cheaper,more economical and higher quality public transport of passengers.The activities have been proposed to introduce the traffictechnologies in urban, suburban and interurban transport ofpassengers with the proposal of a unique tariff system.


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How to Cite
Bago D, Puškarić N, Vrkljan J. Organization of Passenger Transport in Town of Zapresic by Harmonizing Operator Services. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Jan.23];18(6):413-21. Available from:
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