Spatial Evaluation Approach in the Planning Process of Transport Logistic Terminals

  • Mitja Pavliha
  • Peter Jenček
  • Elen Twrdy
Keywords: transport, transport logistics, intermodal transport, transport logistic terminal, spatial planning, spatial evaluation


The 'state-of-the-art' of the present global European situationis in desperate need for a new approach to development ofurban and rural environment with an interdisciplinary approach,when introducing the elements of transport infrastructureand transport infrastructure landscape into space and environment.In order to reach a decision regarding the location of a certaintransport logistic terminal some constraints (technical andtechnological as well as financial) should be considered. Aspart of the process trying to respond to these constraints, associatedprimarily with the traffic conditions at the appointed networklocations, a careful evaluation in respect to cargo flowsand infrastructure connections as well as spatial planningshould be performed.M01phological indicators, which directly and indirectly affectthe structure and the form of the transport infrastructure elements- transport logistic terminals, are extracted and presentedin the paper. At this point, the paper concludes that thelaying down and the evaluation of transport infrastructure elementsare based on two categories of morphological elements:Constructed morphological elements (all constntctionsand their elements), andNatural morphological elements (topography, climate, vegetation,etc.).The presented spatial methodology deals with the interactionsbetween the constructed and natural morphological elements- the quality and the characteristics of the design areadded to both groups.Findings and projections acquired on the basis of a spatialevaluation and transport logistic analysis constitute, togetherwith financial-economic assumptions, the basis for elaboratinga business plan - a significant element in the decision-makingprocess regarding the development of a transport logistic terminal.


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How to Cite
Pavliha M, Jenček P, Twrdy E. Spatial Evaluation Approach in the Planning Process of Transport Logistic Terminals. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.12];18(5):311-20. Available from:
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