Situation and Perspectives of Intermodal Logistics in Hungary

  • Zoltan Bokor
  • Adam Torok


Logistics has become one of the determining factors inHungarian economic policy. This is supported by the fact thatlogistics has been included into the key programmes of the 2'dHungarian National Development Plan. Intermodallogisticsservices belong to the most important instruments emphasisedby the Hungarian transport policy. Although there have beenseveral improvements in the field of logistics centres and combinedtransport the national intennodallogistics network cannotbe regarded as finished yet. That is why additional investmentsare needed. However, the new developments shall besupported by updated strategic conceptions taking into considerationthe current and future trends in technology and economy,with special regard to changed conditions coming fromjoining the EU This paper aims to analyse the national and internationalbackground of intermodal logistics strategy improvementsand furthermore to draw conclusions on the possibledevelopment directions applicable for specific Hungariancircumstances.


Dr. Zoltan Bokor: Analysis of cu'ent trends and elaboration

of development possibilities in the field of intermodal

logistics (in Hungarian), Ministry of Economy

and Transport, 2005

Dr. Zoltan Bokor: Logistics and intermodal transport (in

Hungarian), Ministry of Economy and Transport, 2004

European transport policy for 2010: time to decide, European

Commission, 2001

Hungarian transport policy for 2003-2015, Ministry of

Economy and Transport, 2004

How to Cite
Bokor Z, Torok A. Situation and Perspectives of Intermodal Logistics in Hungary. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Jan.14];17(6):349-52. Available from:
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