Possibility of Fire Accident Analysis in Road Tunnel

  • Peter Vidmar
  • Stojan Petelin
Keywords: traffic safety, fire safety, road tunnel, fire modelling, computational fluid dynamics, numerical methods


The basic aim of this treatise is to research the relevant featuresof the control and management of fire event in road tunnels.The simulation of 200 meters long cut out of the road tunnelis performed with the computer code FDS (Fire DynamicsSimulator) which is based on the computational fluid dynamics.FDS is used to simulate fire dynamics behavior in three differentscenarios: natural ventilation, forced ventilation with axialventilators and vertical smoke extraction.It is believed that the present research, the methodology appliedand its findings should promote and improve safety andreliability of fire safety in road tunnels and to cope with thecomplex contemporary logistic demands of safety and reliabilityin the transportation of passengers and goods.


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How to Cite
Vidmar P, Petelin S. Possibility of Fire Accident Analysis in Road Tunnel. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];16(5):285-9. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/605
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