Uloga unutarnje i vanjske informatizacije organizacija u transportu

  • Miroslav Jelaska
  • Borut Kranjc
  • Jože Vozel


Former stages in the development of modem information systems in support of the transport service provision function have mostly produced intemally-aspected solutions. Such solutions could then be materialized in line with company's proper standardization. A powerful breakthrough in the field of processing and telecommunications technology enabled cooperation on a world-wide scale. The whole world becomes one single market and in this the exchange of people, commodities, and data assumes an entirely new role. A major share in this global linkage belongs to electronic computer systems for whose integrated operation we need the rules agreed-upon in advance: the standards thus become indispensable for inter-company informatization. Transport and commerce are among the first to be considered. The needs develop swiftly, and the concerned parties enter upon alliances as to facilitate negotiations. This grouping together starts with the pairs of companies, forwarding agents, industrial segments, research projects, institutions (UN Commission, ISO, EDI associations) and scientific and professional potentials. This paper deals with the main objective of linkage for purposes of exchanges of messages, meaning essentially two things: firs~ the accomplished aspect of international informatization with own information systems being at an adequately high level in order to make possible the exchange of messages, and second: establishing the prerequisites (standardization, organization, engineering, legal grounds, and infrastructure facilities). Special applications are available for medium and small companies and for big systems.


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How to Cite
Jelaska M, Kranjc B, Vozel J. Uloga unutarnje i vanjske informatizacije organizacija u transportu. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];4(1):15-9. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/480
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