Investicijska aktivnost u prometnoj infrastrukturi

  • Damir Šimulčik


Traffic infrastructure makes an integral part of the traffic and economic system of a country. This fact sets for those who create the policy of investment into the facilities of traffic infrastructure the task to have it based upon scientific nations and a coordinated activity of all segments of economy. This paper deals with the impacts of investment activities in the area of traffic infrastructure upon a congruent development of the economic system. The accent has been placed upon respective investment activity whose decisions are based upon economy-aspected criteria i.e. upon a more expressed import of scientific methods and application of scientifically determined and verified methods for this type of investment activity.

How to Cite
Šimulčik D. Investicijska aktivnost u prometnoj infrastrukturi. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.7];3(4):159-62. Available from:
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