Pregled stanja telefonije u svijetu 31.12.1988.

  • Zvonimir Jakobčić


Telecommunication facilities, in particular the numbers of main telephone lines in the world have listed a very even and balanced development since the very beginning. For 56 nations with the highest number of main telephone lines the author provides the review of respective capacities, distribution per l OO inhabitants, and respective growth rate with the average annual growth rate in the period between 1987 and 1988. Economic comparison bas been drawn to the gross national product and respective correlation function bas been provided of the distribution of main lines per 100 inhabitants and gross national product per capita. The countries covered in this review account for over 97% of world telephone communication capacities.


Annuaire statistique des telecommunications du sectell' public. Series chronologiques 1979-1988, LJIT, 1990.

Statistlques des telecommunications. CEPT, 31.12.1988

L' Atlante delle Telecomunicazioni. Annuario 1990/91, 1990

The Worlds T elephones. January 1989, 1990

Internationale Fernmeldestatistik. 1. Januar 1989, 1990.

The World Bank Atlas. 1989.

Poslovni izvještaji raznih telekomunikacijskih uprava za 1989. godinu.

How to Cite
Jakobčić Z. Pregled stanja telefonije u svijetu 31.12.1988. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.14];3(2):53-0. Available from:
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