A Multiclass Cumulative Prospect Theory-Based Stochastic User Equilibrium Model with Path Constraints in Degradable Transport Networks

  • Dongmei Yan Southeast University, Intelligent Transportation System Research Centre
  • Jianhua Guo Southeast University, Intelligent Transportation System Research Centre
Keywords: stochastic user equilibrium, cumulative prospect theory, expected utility theory, distance limit, variational inequality, method of successive averages


The limited driving range and the unavailability or insufficiency of battery charging/swapping stations cause the so-called range anxiety issue for traffic assignment involving battery electric vehicle (BEV) users. In addition, expected utility theory-based stochastic user equilibrium (EUT-SUE) model generates the perfectly rational issue when the travellers make route choice decisions. To tackle these two problems, this article improves the cumulative prospect theory-based stochastic user equilibrium (CPT-SUE) model in a degradable transport network through incorporating the constraints of multiple user classes and distance limit. In this degradable network, the travellers experience stochastic travel times due to network link capacity degradations. For this improved CPT-SUE model, the equivalent variational inequality (VI) model and associated method of successive averages (MSA) based solution are provided. The improved CPT-SUE model is tested and compared with the EUT-SUE model with distance limit, with results showing that the improved CPT-SUE model can handle jointly the range anxiety issue and the perfectly rational issue.


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How to Cite
Yan D, Guo J. A Multiclass Cumulative Prospect Theory-Based Stochastic User Equilibrium Model with Path Constraints in Degradable Transport Networks. Promet [Internet]. 2021Oct.8 [cited 2025Mar.12];33(5):775-87. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/3586