Container Terminal Berth-Quay Crane Capacity Planning Based on Markov Chain

  • Meixian Jiang Zhejiang University of Technology, College of Mechanical Engineering
  • Guoxing Wu Zhejiang University of Technology, College of Mechanical Engineering
  • Jianpeng Zheng Zhejiang University of Technology, College of Mechanical Engineering
  • Guanghua Wu Zhejiang University of Technology, College of Mechanical Engineering
Keywords: container terminal, capacity planning, quay crane movement, Markov chain, queuing theory


This paper constructs a berth-quay crane capacity planning model with the lowest average daily cost in the container terminal, and analyzes the influence of the number of berths and quay cranes on the terminal operation. The object of berth-quay crane capacity planning is to optimize the number of berths and quay cranes to maximize the benefits of the container terminal. A steady state probability transfer model based on Markov chain for container terminal is constructed by the historical time series of the queuing process. The current minimum time operation principle (MTOP) strategy is proposed to correct the state transition probability of the Markov chain due to the characteristics of the quay crane movement to change the service capacity of a single berth. The solution error is reduced from 7.03% to 0.65% compared to the queuing theory without considering the quay crane movement, which provides a basis for the accurate solution of the berth-quay crane capacity planning model. The proposed berth-quay crane capacity planning model is validated by two container terminal examples, and the results show that the model can greatly guide the container terminal berth-quay crane planning.


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How to Cite
Jiang M, Wu G, Zheng J, Wu G. Container Terminal Berth-Quay Crane Capacity Planning Based on Markov Chain. Promet [Internet]. 2021Apr.1 [cited 2025Jan.21];33(2):267-81. Available from: