Standardised Evaluation of Shanghai-Hangzhou High-Speed Maglev Project

  • Yong Cui Institute of Railway and Transportation Engineering University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • Stefan Tritschler
  • Ullrich Martin
  • Fan Mo
Keywords: Standardised Evaluation, high-speed, maglev, transport systems design


In recent years, high-speed maglev systems have received renewed attention once again. However, a systematic and transparent approach to evaluate high-speed maglev projects does not currently exist, which could be an obstacle for their application, even with technical success. In Germany, the Standardised Evaluation is applied as a basis for decision making regarding the public funding of projects. It should be implemented for all investments of urban public transport projects with a value of more than € 25 million. In this paper, the economic evaluation for the Shanghai-Hangzhou maglev project is carried out with the Standardised Evaluation. One of the most important contributions of this work is to demonstrate the applicability of Standardised Evaluation for high-speed maglev projects. With the Standardised Evaluation, the evidence of macroand microeconomic benefit can be presented in a transparent and systematic way. The result can be used to prove the project’s profitability and to rank different projects or project alternatives.


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How to Cite
Cui Y, Tritschler S, Martin U, Mo F. Standardised Evaluation of Shanghai-Hangzhou High-Speed Maglev Project. Promet [Internet]. 2019Aug.23 [cited 2025Jan.21];31(4):465-74. Available from: