Cost Optimisation in Freight Distribution with Cross-Docking: N-Echelon Location Routing Problem

  • Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu
Keywords: location-routing problems, multi-echelon distribution, cross-docking, combinatorial optimisation, literature review


Freight transportation constitutes one of the main activities that influence the economy and society, as it assures a vital link between suppliers and customers and represents a major source of employment. Multi-echelon distribution is one of the most common strategies adopted by the transportation companies in an aim of cost reduction. Although vehicle routing problems are very common in operational research, they are essentially related to single-echelon cases. This paper presents the main concepts of multi-echelon distribution with cross-docks and a unified notation for the N-echelon location routing problem. A literature review is also presented, in order to list the main problems and methods that can be helpful for scientists and transportation practitioners.


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How to Cite
Gonzalez-Feliu J. Cost Optimisation in Freight Distribution with Cross-Docking: N-Echelon Location Routing Problem. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];24(2):143-9. Available from: