Vehicle Routing with Compartments Under Product Incompatibility Constraints

  • Bahar Tasar Yasar University, Department of Industrial Engineering
  • Deniz Türsel Eliiyi Izmir Bakircay University, Department of Industrial Engineering
  • Levent Kandiller Yasar University, Department of Industrial Engineering
Keywords: multiple compartment vehicle routing problem, incompatible products, split delivery, multiple trips, mathematical model, heuristic algorithms


This study focuses on a distribution problem involving incompatible products which cannot be stored in a compartment of a vehicle. To satisfy different types of customer demand at minimum logistics cost, the products are stored in different compartments of fleet vehicles, which requires the problem to be modeled as a multiple-compartment vehicle routing problem (MCVRP). While there is an extensive literature on the vehicle routing problem (VRP) and its numerous variants, there are fewer research papers on the MCVRP. Firstly, a novel taxonomic framework for the VRP literature is proposed in this study. Secondly, new mathematical models are proposed for the basic MCVRP, together with its multiple-trip and split-delivery extensions, for obtaining exact solutions for small-size instances. Finally, heuristic algorithms are developed for larger instances of the three problem variants. To test the performance of our heuristics against optimum solutions for larger instances, a lower bounding scheme is also proposed. The results of the computational experiments are reported, indicating validity and a promising performance of an approach.

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Bahar Tasar, Yasar University, Department of Industrial Engineering
Bahar Taşar received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering from Yasar University in years 2013 and 2016, respectively. She worked as a research assistant at the Department of Industrial Engineering of Yasar University. After she received her M.S., she started to work at DYO Paint Company as a purchasing representative. Her research interests include vehicle routing and scheduling.
Deniz Türsel Eliiyi, Izmir Bakircay University, Department of Industrial Engineering
Deniz Türsel Eliiyi is a professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering of Izmir Bakircay University in Izmir, Turkey. She has previously worked at Middle East Technical University, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir University of Economics and Yasar University at various academic positions. Her research interests include mathematical modeling and optimization, scheduling and vehicle routing, container port operations management, and scheduling of IoT devices. She has several academic studies on these topics, as well as research and industrial projects.
Levent Kandiller, Yasar University, Department of Industrial Engineering
Levent Kandiller is a professor of Industrial Engineering and Vice Rector at Yasar University in İzmir, Turkey. He has worked as an visiting professor at Rutgers University, as an assistant professor and associate professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering of M.E.T.U., as a professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Dean of Faculty of Engineering of Çankaya University. Before he was Vice Rector in Yasar University, he was Dean of Faculty of Engineering. His research interests are combinatorial optimization, cellular manufacturing, assembly line balancing, combat modelling.


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How to Cite
Tasar B, Türsel Eliiyi D, Kandiller L. Vehicle Routing with Compartments Under Product Incompatibility Constraints. Promet [Internet]. 2019Feb.22 [cited 2025Feb.5];31(1):25-6. Available from: