Calculation of Time Losses Due to Toll Collection

  • Milan Stanković
  • Zvonimir Pilih
  • Božidar Ivanković


Fast development of tertiary activities has deleted the borderline between the working and free time, workdays and holidays. The highways reduce the time of individual transport by personal and cargo vehicles due to higher travelling speeds, but toll collection results in time losses due to obligatory stopping of vehicles. The objective of the study presented in the paper is the exact calculation of the time losses caused by toll collection. The simulation method based on the technical characteristics of the vehicles has been combined with the analysis of the register of toll collection dynamics. Since the queuing losses at peak and off-peak periods have not been taken into consideration, the obtained values of losses are minimal. The paper considers various technologies of toll collection. KEYWORDS: travelling speed, acceleration, toll collection, assessment
How to Cite
Stanković M, Pilih Z, Ivanković B. Calculation of Time Losses Due to Toll Collection. Promet [Internet]. 2012Mar.2 [cited 2025Jan.14];21(5):367-73. Available from: