Collision Avoidance via Adaptive Trajectory Control in Case of a Sudden Decrease in the Maximum Road Friction Coefficient

  • Hasan Şahin Istanbul Technical University
Keywords: Adaptive Trajectory Control, active safety, advanced driver assistance systems, collision avoidance, intelligent transportation systems, autonomous vehicle systems,


This study analyses an Adaptive Trajectory Control (ATC) system in case of a sudden change in μ-max (maximum tyreroad friction coefficient) during an emergency lane change manoeuvre in order to maintain the driving safety. Autonomous front wheel steering (FWS) systems have been developed for emergency steering situations. The trajectory design is also a part of these systems. Moreover, in this study ATC has been designed by sensing μ-max to complete the emergency steering manoeuvre successfully. Therefore, the originality of this paper arises from the necessity of a trajectory change in case of a sudden change in μ-max to minimize the distance between the desired and the actual path. Suitable cases were designed by using a two-track model in IPG/CarMaker (MATLAB/Simulink). Results show that ATC could be used during an emergency steering manoeuvre in case of a sudden decrease in μ-max as it can be advantageous in certain critical traffic situations. Therefore, ATC could be
used as an alternative system instead of Electronic Stability Program.

Author Biography

Hasan Şahin, Istanbul Technical University

Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. (2012 - Present)

Automotive Engineering M.Sc. (2009 - 2011)

Mechatronics Engineering Bachelor (2004  - 2009)


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How to Cite
Şahin H. Collision Avoidance via Adaptive Trajectory Control in Case of a Sudden Decrease in the Maximum Road Friction Coefficient. Promet [Internet]. 2017Oct.27 [cited 2025Jan.15];29(5):469-78. Available from: