Young Adult Drivers: Simulated Behaviour in a Car-following Situation

  • Rafał Jurecki Kielce University of Technology Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering Department of Automotive Engineering and Transport
  • Miloš Poliak University of Zilina Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications Department of Road and Urban Transport
  • Marek Jaśkiewicz Kielce University of TechnologyFaculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical EngineeringDepartment of Automotive Engineering and Transport
Keywords: simulator, young driver, response time, two-lane motorway, car-following situation,


This paper provides a description of driver testing in a simulator. As young drivers are more susceptible to collisions, this was done to determine how young drivers behaved in simulated road situations on a motorway. One of the traffic safety concerns is the failure to keep a proper distance from the vehicle in front, which may result in a rearend collision. The tests simulated car-following situations in which the preceding vehicle performed emergency braking. The experiments were conducted for two scenario variants using different distances from the vehicle in front. The drivers could perform the following emergency manoeuvres: braking with steering away or only braking. The driver response times were compared and analysed statistically. The results were used to determine the emergency manoeuvres performed by the drivers in the simulated road situations. The study reveals that the vehicle surroundings may have a considerable influence on the type of emergency manoeuvres and the driver response time.


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Rafał Jurecki, Kielce University of Technology Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering Department of Automotive Engineering and Transport
Area of scientific activity are issues of dynamics of vehicles and automotive diagnostic issues. The main area of scientific activity are problems of safety vehicles. Parallel areas of interest are the problems of modeling of driver behavior in emergency situations and test of driver’s behavior in case of emergency situations.
Miloš Poliak, University of Zilina Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications Department of Road and Urban Transport
Area of scientific activity are issues of transport economics and transport policy. The main area of scientific activity are problems of public transport. Parallel areas of interest are the problems of social law, road safety and driver behavior in emergency situations.
Marek Jaśkiewicz, Kielce University of TechnologyFaculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical EngineeringDepartment of Automotive Engineering and Transport

Area of scientific activity are issues of dynamics of machines, transport systems and automotive diagnostic issues. The main area of scientific activity are problems of security vehicles. Parallel areas of interest are the problems of biomechanics of the human body injury in collisions. Dissertation, "The impact of human and technical aspects on vehicle transport safety"


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How to Cite
Jurecki R, Poliak M, Jaśkiewicz M. Young Adult Drivers: Simulated Behaviour in a Car-following Situation. Promet [Internet]. 2017Aug.28 [cited 2025Feb.17];29(4):381-90. Available from: