Real-time Alarm Monitoring System for Detecting Driver Fatigue in Wireless Areas

  • Rongrong Fu Yanshan University, 438 Hebei Street, Qinhuangdao 066004
  • Shutao Wang Yanshan University
  • Shiwei Wang Yanshan University
Keywords: driver fatigue, EEG, real-time alarm, wireless communication,


The purpose of this paper was to develop a real-time alarm monitoring system that can detect the fatigue driving state through wireless communication. The drivers’ electroencephalogram (EEG) signals were recorded from occipital electrodes. Seven EEG rhythms with different frequency bands as gamma, hbeta, beta, sigma, alpha, theta and delta waves were extracted. They were simultaneously assessed using relative operating characteristic (ROC) curves and grey relational analysis to select one as the fatigue feature. The research results showed that the performance of theta wave was the best one. Therefore, theta wave was used as fatigue feature in the following alarm device. The real-time alarm monitoring system based on the result has been developed, once the threshold was settled by using the data of the first ten minutes driving period. The developed system can detect driver fatigue and give alarm to indicate the onset of fatigue automatically.

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Rongrong Fu, Yanshan University, 438 Hebei Street, Qinhuangdao 066004
Electrical Engineering
Shutao Wang, Yanshan University
Electrical Engineering
Shiwei Wang, Yanshan University
Electrical Engineering


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How to Cite
Fu R, Wang S, Wang S. Real-time Alarm Monitoring System for Detecting Driver Fatigue in Wireless Areas. Promet [Internet]. 2017Apr.20 [cited 2025Jan.14];29(2):165-74. Available from: