Analysis of Factors Influencing the Vehicle Damage Level in Fatal Truck-Related Accidents and Differences in Rural and Urban Areas

  • Li Linchao School of Transportation, Southeast University, Si Pai Lou #2, Nanjing 210096, China
  • Tomislav Fratrović University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Vukelićeva 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: fatal truck-related accident, generalized ordered logit model, risk factors, marginal effect, traffic safety,


Accidents involving large trucks very often end up with deadly consequences. Innocent people getting killed are acknowledged globally as one of the traffic safety greatest problems and challenges. While risk factors on truck-related accidents have been researched extensively, the impact on fatalities has received little or no attention, especially considering rural and urban areas, respectively. In this study, the generalized ordered logit model was used in Stata 11.0 to explore the complex mechanism of truck-related accidents in different areas. Data were obtained from The Trucks in Fatal Accidents database (TIFA). The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) indicates that the model used in this paper is superior to traditional ordered logit model. The results showed that 9 variables affect the vehicle damage level in a fatal crash in both areas but with different directions. Furthermore, 23 indicators significantly affect the disabling damage in the same manner. Also, there are factors that are significant solely in one area and not in the other: 12 in rural and 2 in urban areas.

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Li Linchao, School of Transportation, Southeast University, Si Pai Lou #2, Nanjing 210096, China
Ph.D candidate. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Urban ITS, School of Transportation, Southeast University; Jiangsu Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Urban Traffic Technologies.
Tomislav Fratrović, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Vukelićeva 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia


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How to Cite
Linchao L, Fratrović T. Analysis of Factors Influencing the Vehicle Damage Level in Fatal Truck-Related Accidents and Differences in Rural and Urban Areas. Promet [Internet]. 2016Aug.30 [cited 2025Feb.17];28(4):331-40. Available from: