Cordon Pricing Considering Air Pollutants Emission

  • Shahriar Afandizadeh Associate Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology
  • Seyed Ebrahim Abdolmanafi PhD Candidate, Iran University of Science and Technology
Keywords: cordon location, toll level, park and ride, air pollutants emission, sustainable development, SPEA2 method,


This paper considers the issue of air pollutants emission for the optimal and sustainable determination of cordon location, toll level, and price of park and ride (P&R). Although air pollutants emission decreases within the cordon by the implementation of cordon pricing scheme, it may increase outside the cordon and the whole network. Hence, air pollutants emission may only transfer from inside of the cordon to its outside. Therefore, in this paper, a multi-objective bi-level optimization model is developed. A solution algorithm is also presented based on the second version of strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA2). The results reveal that this multi-objective model can be a useful tool for the sustainable and optimal design of the cordon and P&R scheme. In addition, cordon pricing is a multi-objective problem. Therefore, it is necessary to consider air pollutants emission. By choosing another non-dominated result in the solution space, air pollutants emission outside the cordon and the whole network can be reduced without a significant reduction in social welfare.

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Shahriar Afandizadeh, Associate Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology
Civil Engineering
Seyed Ebrahim Abdolmanafi, PhD Candidate, Iran University of Science and Technology
Civil Engineering


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How to Cite
Afandizadeh S, Abdolmanafi SE. Cordon Pricing Considering Air Pollutants Emission. Promet [Internet]. 2016Apr.26 [cited 2025Feb.11];28(2):179-8. Available from: