Using Automated Planning for Traffic Signals Control

  • Matija Gulić Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb
  • Ricardo Olivares Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Daniel Borrajo Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: road management system, traffic signal control, autonomic system, automated planning,


Solving traffic congestions represents a high priority issue in many big cities. Traditional traffic control systems are mainly based on pre-programmed, reactive and local techniques. This paper presents an autonomic system that uses automated planning techniques instead. These techniques are easily configurable and modified, and can reason about the future implications of actions that change the default traffic lights behaviour. The proposed implemented system includes some autonomic properties, since it monitors the current traffic state, detects if the system is degrading its performance, sets up new sets of goals to be achieved by the planner, triggers the planner that generates plans with control actions, and executes the selected courses of actions. The obtained results in several artificial and real world data-based simulation scenarios show that the proposed system can efficiently solve traffic congestion.


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How to Cite
Gulić M, Olivares R, Borrajo D. Using Automated Planning for Traffic Signals Control. Promet [Internet]. 2016Aug.30 [cited 2025Feb.17];28(4):383-91. Available from: