Development of Urban Driving Cycle with GPS Data Post Processing

  • Peter Lipar University of Ljubljana
  • Irena Strnad University of Ljubljana
  • Martin Česnik University of Ljubljana
  • Tomaž Maher University of Ljubljana
Keywords: driving cycle, microtrips, driving pattern, exhaust emissions, fuel consumption, frequency distribution,


This paper presents GIS-based methodology for urban area driving cycle construction. The approach reaches beyond the frames of usual driving cycle development methods and takes into account another perspective of data collection. Rather than planning data collection, the approach is based on available in-vehicle measurement data post processing using Geographic Information Systems to manipulate the excessive database and extract only the representative and geographically limited individual trip data. With such data post processing the data was carefully adjusted to include only the data that describe representative driving in Ljubljana urban area. The selected method for the driving cycle development is based on searching for the best microtrips combination while minimizing the difference between two vectors; one based on generated cycle and the other on the database. Accounting for a large random sample of actual trip data, our approach enables more representative area-specific driving cycle development than the previously used techniques.

Author Biographiesaaa replica rolex repwatches replica rolex watches for men replica iwc watch

Peter Lipar, University of Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering

Traffic Technical Institute

Irena Strnad, University of Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering

Traffic Technical Institute
Martin Česnik, University of Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering

Traffic Technical Institute
Tomaž Maher, University of Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering

Traffic Technical Institute


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How to Cite
Lipar P, Strnad I, Česnik M, Maher T. Development of Urban Driving Cycle with GPS Data Post Processing. Promet [Internet]. 2016Aug.30 [cited 2025Feb.17];28(4):353-64. Available from: