Optimization of Coastal Cruise Lines in China

  • Zhongzhen Yang Dalian Maritime University
  • Chunyu Gao Dalian Dalian Maritime University
  • Yixuan Li DoctorTransporation Management School
Keywords: cruise travel, matrix coding, coastal cruise,


The paper analyzes the current state of the Chinese cruise market and presents the idea of building a business model of coastal cruising. The cruise demand of middle-income families, which includes the desired travel days, ports of call, is surveyed. The data of the previous non-cruise travels and the data of future cruises of middle-income families are used to develop a model designed to identify the maximum passenger volume with minimum operating costs while taking cruise itineraries and schedules into account. A matrix coding genetic algorithm was designed to solve the model. The case study found that a voyage of 4.79 days results in equilibrium, that the annual demand is 200,840 passengers, and that the daily voyage cost is 0.843 million Yuan.

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Zhongzhen Yang, Dalian Maritime University


Transporation Management School

Chunyu Gao, Dalian Dalian Maritime University
DoctorTransporation Management School
Yixuan Li, DoctorTransporation Management School
DoctorTransporation Management School


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How to Cite
Yang Z, Gao C, Li Y. Optimization of Coastal Cruise Lines in China. Promet [Internet]. 2016Aug.30 [cited 2025Feb.17];28(4):341-5. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1817