Policy and Programs for Cycling in the City of Zagreb – A Critical Review

  • Hrvoje Pilko SveučiliÅ¡te u Zagrebu, Fakultet prometnih znanosti
  • Krunoslav Tepeš City of Zagreb; City Office for Physical Planning, Construction of the City, Utility Services and Transport, Department for Transport, Head of the Department of Organization and Traffic Management, PhD Candidate
  • Tadej Brezina Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Transportation, Research Centre of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering - Projektassistent, PhD candidate


Studying cycling traffic issues in a beginner city – City of Zagreb, stems from unclear development policy, an increase in cycling volume, a large number of traffic accidents, an inadequate infrastructure and legislation, a small number of high quality studies and published papers, and the question, did current cycling policy and programs advance cycling? A comprehensive search of available literature, including data from the Zagreb Traffic Department, was made. These data do not adequately address the direction of causality, such as whether current cycling policy and programs advance cycling or whether cycling demand led to increased levels of cycling. This review paper suggests that, it is not yet possible to evaluate which pro-bicycle packages are the most effective and, development of cycling traffic requires a coordinated holistic planning strategy. Results could serve as a beacon light for similarly sized beginner cities, especially those who are located in South-eastern and Eastern Europe.

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Hrvoje Pilko, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet prometnih znanosti

Fakultet prometnih znanosti, SveuÄiliÅ¡te u Zagrebu; dr. sc. -poslijedoktorand

Krunoslav Tepeš, City of Zagreb; City Office for Physical Planning, Construction of the City, Utility Services and Transport, Department for Transport, Head of the Department of Organization and Traffic Management, PhD Candidate
City of Zagreb; City Office for Physical Planning, Construction of the City, Utility Services and Transport, Department for Transport, Head of the Department of Organization and Traffic Management, PhD Candidate
Tadej Brezina, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Transportation, Research Centre of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering - Projektassistent, PhD candidate

Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Transportation, Research Centre of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering -Projektassistent



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How to Cite
Pilko H, Tepeš K, Brezina T. Policy and Programs for Cycling in the City of Zagreb – A Critical Review. Promet [Internet]. 2015Oct.28 [cited 2025Feb.5];27(5):405-1. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1694