Computational Intelligence in Highway Management: A Review

  • Ondrej Pribyl Associate professor, MSc, PhD Vice-dean for international relations Czech Technical University in Prague Department of Applied Mathematics Na Florenci 25, Praha 1, 110 00 Czech Republic
  • Milan Koukol Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
  • Jana Kuklova Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences
Keywords: traffic management, traffic control systems, congestion, soft computing, multi-agent systems,


Highway management systems are used to improve safety and driving comfort on highways by using control strategies and providing information and warnings to drivers. They use several strategies starting from speed and lane management, through incident detection and warning systems, ramp metering, weather information up to, for example, informing drivers about alternative roads. This paper provides a review of the existing approaches to highway management systems, particularly speed harmonization and ramp metering. It is focused only on modern and advanced approaches, such as soft computing, multi-agent methods and their interconnection. Its objective is to provide guidance in the wide field of highway management and to point out the most relevant recent activities which demonstrate that development in the field of highway management is still important and that the existing research exhibits potential for further enhancement.

Author Biography

Ondrej Pribyl, Associate professor, MSc, PhD Vice-dean for international relations Czech Technical University in Prague Department of Applied Mathematics Na Florenci 25, Praha 1, 110 00 Czech Republic
Associate professor, MSc, PhD Vice-dean for international relations


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How to Cite
Pribyl O, Koukol M, Kuklova J. Computational Intelligence in Highway Management: A Review. Promet [Internet]. 2015Oct.28 [cited 2025Feb.5];27(5):439-50. Available from: