Road Artery Traffic Light Optimization with Use of the Reinforcement Learning

  • Rok Marsetič University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
  • Darja Šemrov University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
  • Marijan Žura University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Keywords: reinforcement learning, Q learning, road artery, traffic control, traffic lights,


The basic principle of optimal traffic control is the appropriate real-time response to dynamic traffic flow changes. Signal plan efficiency depends on a large number of input parameters. An actuated signal system can adjust very well to traffic conditions, but cannot fully adjust to stochastic traffic volume oscillation. Due to the complexity of the problem analytical methods are not applicable for use in real time, therefore the purpose of this paper is to introduce heuristic method suitable for traffic light optimization in real time. With the evolution of artificial intelligence new possibilities for solving complex problems have been introduced. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that the use of the Q learning algorithm for traffic lights optimization is suitable. The Q learning algorithm was verified on a road artery with three intersections. For estimation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm comparison with an actuated signal plan was carried out. The results (average delay per vehicle and the number of vehicles that left road network) show that Q learning algorithm outperforms the actuated signal controllers. The proposed algorithm converges to the minimal delay per vehicle regardless of the stochastic nature of traffic. In this research the impact of the model parameters (learning rate, exploration rate, influence of communication between agents and reward type) on algorithm effectiveness were analysed as well.

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Rok Marsetič, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering

Rok MarsetiÄ has more than 9 years’ experience with road-planning, road designing, ITS (intelligent transport systems) and applying geographical information system in traffic engineering. Presently he is the assistant, field of Traffic Engineering, at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering.

Darja Šemrov, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Darja Šemrov dealt primarily with road transportation planning at the beginning of her career, but in the last three years her researches and work focus mainly on railway transport and railway infrastructure. Presently she is the assistant at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering.
Marijan Žura, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering

Dr. Marijan Žura has 26 years experience with transportation planning. He  was a leader or member of team which performed several transportation studies of cities in Slovenia and abroad. He  has also 21 years experience with implementation of geographic information system, specially in transportation. With his work he is using state of the art computer software packages as ARC/INFO, ArcView, Oracle, MS Access, etc. He was the leader of many GIS project and also works as GIS consultant. Also he participates in other researches and project performed at the Traffic Technical Institute. Presently he is associate professor at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering.


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How to Cite
Marsetič R, Šemrov D, Žura M. Road Artery Traffic Light Optimization with Use of the Reinforcement Learning. Promet [Internet]. 2014Apr.26 [cited 2025Feb.5];26(2):101-8. Available from: