• Branislav M Ćorović Fakultet za pomorstvo
  • Petar Djurovic Abaco Ltd
Keywords: ship, ship’s crew, human error, marine accident, safety culture, international organizations


We are aware of a large number of marine accidents that result in numerous casualties and even deaths and substantial negative environmental effects. The objective of this paper is to indicate factors that contribute to human errors which is identified as the most frequent cause to marine accidents. Despite rapid technological development and safety legislation, this paper identifies the human factor as the waekest link in maritime safety system. This analysis could lead to decrease of vessel accidents. In addition, starting from the European Maritime Safety Agency data and by linear regression model application, we have obtained the trend of number of ships involved in marine accidents as well as the trend of lives lost in marine accidents  in and around European Union waters.

Author Biography

Branislav M Ćorović, Fakultet za pomorstvo

Fakultet za pomorstvo Kotor

van. prof.

RTG I klase


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How to Cite
Ćorović BM, Djurovic P. MARINE ACCIDENTS RESEARCHED THROUGH HUMAN FACTOR PRISMA. Promet [Internet]. 2013Jul.19 [cited 2025Mar.12];25(4):369-77. Available from: