Storage Optimization for Export Containers in the Port of Izmir

  • Deniz Türsel Eliiyi Izmir University of Economics
  • Gamze Mat Izmir University of Economics
  • Burcu Ozmen Izmir University of Economics
Keywords: Container Storage Optimization, Export Containers, Mixed Integer Programming, Heuristic Approach


In this study, we consider a real-life export container storage problem at an important container terminal in the Port of Izmir, Turkey. Currently, the container storage decisions at the port are taken by operators manually, which leads to continuous unnecessary re-handling movements of the containers. High transportation costs, waste of time, and inefficient capacity utilization in the container storage area are the consequences of non-optimal decisions. The main goal of this study is to minimize the transportation costs and the number of re-handling moves while storing the export containers at the terminal yard. We formulate the problem in two stages. While the first stage assigns the containers of the same vessel to a group of yard bays via an optimization model, the second stage decides on the exact location of each container with the help of an efficient heuristic approach. The experimental results with real data are presented and discussed.

Author Biographiesaaa replica rolex repwatches replica rolex watches for men replica iwc watch

Deniz Türsel Eliiyi, Izmir University of Economics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. of Industrial Engineering

Izmir University of Economics, Department of Industrial Engineering

Sakarya Cad. No: 156, Balçova-Izmir, Turkey

Phone: +90 232 488 83 57, Fax:+90 232 279 26 26

Gamze Mat, Izmir University of Economics

B.Eng. in Industrial Systems Engineering

Izmir University of Economics, Department of Industrial Engineering

Sakarya Cad. No: 156, Balçova-Izmir, Turkey

Phone: +90 505 885 60 66

Burcu Ozmen, Izmir University of Economics

B.Eng. in Industrial Systems Engineering

Izmir University of Economics, Department of Industrial Engineering

Sakarya Cad. No: 156, Balçova-Izmir, Turkey

Phone: +90 554 402 56 82


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How to Cite
Türsel Eliiyi D, Mat G, Ozmen B. Storage Optimization for Export Containers in the Port of Izmir. Promet [Internet]. 2013Jul.19 [cited 2025Feb.17];25(4):359-67. Available from: