Outsourcing of Logistics Activities in Manufacturing Industry

  • Anton Ogorelc
  • Klavdij Logožar
Keywords: outsourcing, logistic se1vices, business logistics, supplier selection, reverse logistics


The external supply of logistics se1vices is part of a trend towardoutsourcing non-core logistics activities. The scope ofthird-party logistics may range from a relatively limited combinationof activities (e.g. transportation and warehousing) to acomprehensive set of logistics se1vices.The authors first discuss the characteristics of business logisticsin manufacturing indusfly, to be taken into account inlogistics outsourcing. They particularly point out the motimtionsfor logistics outsourcing, the possibilities of outsourcing,as well as supplier selection. Finally they analyze the outsourcingin the reverse logistics.


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How to Cite
Ogorelc A, Logožar K. Outsourcing of Logistics Activities in Manufacturing Industry. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.14];13(6):387-94. Available from: http://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/1077
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